The wife digs the wall of the house and eats it, the husband is shocked to see this! Such an addiction, even the doctor has given up…

The wife digs the wall of the house and eats it, the husband is shocked to see this! Such an addiction, even the doctor has given up…

We meet different types of people in the world every day. Some people have very normal habits but some people have such likes and dislikes that it leaves the listeners stunned. Today we will tell you about one such woman, whose liking for food is such that you will not be able to believe it.

Usually some people like to eat sweets and some like spicy food. However, this woman is different from all others because she likes to eat bricks, gravel and mortar. She cannot stop herself from looking at the walls of her house. Avoiding the gaze of people, she breaks the plaster and eats the material inside it, spoonful by spoon. This story may sound strange but it is absolutely true.

Addiction since the age of 15
39-year-old Patrice Benjamin Ramgoolam is addicted to eating gravel and cement. She knows that it is not good for her body, yet she cannot stop herself from eating it because it gives her pleasure. She first tried breaking plaster at the age of 15 to find out what is behind it. During this time she ate a little gravel and she liked it so much that she started eating it again and again. It was dry and tasteless, yet she was not able to stop eating it.

When the husband saw this he was stunned
Patrice dated one of her school friends and married him. After marriage, she kept hiding the fact that she eats cement from the walls. Finally, one day her husband saw her eating it and was stunned. He also asked Patrice to give up this habit but it did not work on her. According to doctors, this condition is called pica, in which people start eating things that are not meant for eating. Even after doctors’ advice and medicines, she could not give up this habit. Since she gets happiness from eating cement and gravel, she is not able to stop it.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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